
Rozov Pavel


Director of Lyceum №126

Участие в играх

Экспертное мнение:

A thematic game “Game of Goals: Healthy Food – A Happy Future” is about sustainable consumption and proper and tasty nutrition, thereby communicating the Global Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States, to the youngsters. The game helps students learn a lot: food could be not just tasty, but healthy; we should moderate our food intake; we need to protect our natural environment; yet little attention is being paid to environmental issues. If not us, our children will face the consequences of environmental change.

Six teams (6 players in one team, 36 players in total) come up with project ideas to help solve the problem they consider as a key one. They have no limit to creativity – a great chance to make their incredible ideas come true.

We hope today’s children with their creative thinking will come up with original ideas that will later come in handy at all levels: from municipalities to the Baltic Sea region countries and Russia as well.

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